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2012-10-31 -- 1.5h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:1.0h:Modify Games XML for saugus, investigate problem with ftp sync. Modify code to handle new format of ftp listings from server. Document time.
  • sched:30m:Fix issue in harvest xml data where a single gameday in an xml wasn't being checked for. Improved error message + fixed issue.

2012-10-07 -- 3h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:3.0h:Add in routines to convert single xml to pdf (both game and tourn) accessible from launchXMLeditor page.

2012-10-06 -- 2h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:1.5h:More complete fix for issues of divisionAdjust changes propagating through to other tournaments. Do "deeper" clone of elements in Site objects.
  • sched:30m:Prep addition of a pdf conversion and display direct from the select xml to edit page.

2012-10-04 -- 1h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:1h:Partial fix to for issues of divisionAdjust changes propagating through to other tournaments. Clone site objects as they are passed in to certain routines.


2012-09-27 -- 2h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:1h:Final prep/testing of some new features in customGameXMLgenerator.php

2012-09-26 -- 1h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:1h:Add use of existing XML files in customGameXMLgenerator.php.

2012-09-25 -- 9h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:8h:Help Randy with custom game generation. Identify some problems with the way he wanted it to work.
  • sched:1h:Work on customGameXMLgenerator.php (and related files). update makefile and other support stuff.

2012-09-23 -- 30m -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:update zip code file on home system, still need to propagate out to other systems.

2012-09-16 -- 1h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:1h:Add ability to rotate schedule grid on the summary sheet, to allow better fit of the grid.

2012-09-15 -- 45m -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:45m:Add stripslashes to customGameXMLgenerator.php to handle some string oddities better, update version, document activity from yesterday and today.

2012-09-14 -- 45m -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:45m:Add support for team list in xml from customTournamentGenerationForm.

2012-09-09 -- 2h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:2h:Cleanup from yesterdays work. Update some error strings, catch some more error conditions, move usyvlSettings to io-data.

2012-09-08 -- 10h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:3h:Update code to get ev and tm data reports into sched db (ev and tm tables). Problems with evid and tmid fields.
  • sched:2h:Get tmid and evid fed through existing code into XML files.
  • sched:1h:adjust settings to allow selection of max pool size and selection of pool db layout through an existing setting.
  • sched:4h:Code to harvest data from xml files into sched db gm table.

2012-09-01 -- 3h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:30m:fix db schema
  • usyvl:30m:Configure access to CentOS box (ssh keys and port forwarding httpd).
  • usyv:1h:fix some of the shell scripts to align better with current structure
  • sched:30m:add ability to insert directly to poollayout db in the customTournamentEditor


2012-08-27 -- 1h -- Aaron Martin

  • usyvl:1h:Setup CentOS server

2012-08-18 -- 10h -- Aaron Martin

  • scheduling:10h:Continued work on new tournament algorithm Documentation at Pool_Layout_DB

2012-08-13 -- 1.5h -- Aaron Martin

  • scheduling:1.5h:Prep for changing the poolLayout. Added in a setting. Added pool unshuffling based on that setting.

2012-08-11 -- 6h -- Aaron Martin

  • scheduling:6h:Build management system for sample data. This is kind of a side issue, but its something that had to be done manually previously. System allows user to name data set and meta information, create, copy, delete functionality.


2012-07-19 -- 0.75h -- Aaron Martin

  • workflow:30m:Working with RS on running tournament events
  • workflow:15m:Fix issue of not honoring the PROXIMITY_TYPE setting during build of proximity table.


2012-06-24 -- 0.5h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:30m:Work on hours parsing script...


2012-05-06 -- 1h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:1h:Clean up issue where a site is identified as being in two tournaments on the same day because its name is a perfect substring of another sites name (ie: Sacramento and West Sacramento).

2012-05-06 -- 3h -- Aaron Martin

2012-05-03 -- 1h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:1h:RS reports error for one tournament that was customized to have 5 games. Reported error is from alternate -2 pool (Alt -1 doesn't even show, but thats a different issue). Increase verbosity of error. Verify that there is no simple fix.


2012-04-19 -- 2.5h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:2h:rename customGameXMLalt to customGameXMLgenerator. improve flexibility of customGameXMLgenerator match splitting, add DEFAULT_SEASON setting, adjusted site/file naming generation.

2012-04-18 -- 0.5h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:30m:investigate issue where Sacramento was reporting two tournaments on one day. False - Positive because Sacramento was a complete substr of West Sacramento.


2012-03-29 -- 4.5h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:105m:conference call with Randy
  • sched:2h:various fixes as requested, remap events, test tweaked input files.
  • sched:45m:various docs and emails

2012-03-18 -- 5.5h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:30m:resolve unicode data issue with sampleDataCopy data. Unicode data filter was not being applied
  • sched:60m:Selective linking implemented.
  • sched:90m:String truncation system for some specific fields that may have longer text (team names, coaches names, etc...) in various sections of the pdfs.
  • sched:45m:Index page cleanup, documentation.
  • wf:30m:Get workflow into revision control system (git).
  • wf:120m:Index page cleanup, documentation. Google Distance Matrix (gdm.php) query creation. travelTimeTest.php....

2012-03-17 -- 0.75 -- Aaron Martin

  • it:45m:discuss various IT strategies moving forward

2012-03-12 -- 1.0h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:1.0h:Look into last uploaded data problem. Resolvable but need to look at a bit more closely to verify correct steps.
    • If filter is not specified (which it isn't for last upload), then the 16b char to 8b char conversion doesn't happen.
    • That process rewrites the input file (which was copied from the sample data file)
    • Since the conversion and the rewrite dont happen, the file is unusable.

2012-03-08 -- 4.0h -- Aaron Martin

  • sched:1.5h:Prep some templates for Custom Game Editor construction
  • sched:1.5h:Teleconference with Randy and Veronica 2012-03-08-Teleconference
  • sched:.5h:Writeup, some prep work
  • sched:30m:Investigate google distance API