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2013-11-04 -- 1.5h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:1.5h:Tournament pool info is now done via ajax to shorten load.
2013-11-03 -- 1.5h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:30m:Fix display of single team entries in gamessummaries
- mobile:1h:ReFactor tournSumm/tournPool methods to prep for possible ajax
2013-11-02 -- 1.5h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:1.5h:work on cleaning up program info display, play with some formatting stuff
2013-10-25 -- 2h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:2h:scorekeeper update, provide an undo button that rewinds and tracks state of serve and score. Remove individual decrement controls.
2013-10-24 -- 10h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:8h:Big list of work - see DevelopmentNotes#2013-10-24
- mobile:2h:A few more fixes/updates - see DevelopmentNotes#2013-10-24
2013-10-22 -- 1h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:1h:play with formatting
- general:30m:reworking hours pages
2013-10-20 -- 6h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:2h:Heavy work on mobile site, Add color adjustments and initialization to scorekeeper scorepads.
- mobile:2h:Rework the structure/org of the top level nav (getting to the program).
- mobile:2h:Documentation (DevelopmentNotes), fixes, various other work.
2013-10-19 -- 3h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:3h:Heavy work on mobile site, enhance scorekeeper capabilities, add a jquery clock to templates, provide scorekeeper links from tournament matches (as well as team matches display).
2013-10-17 -- 2h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:2h:Finalize email account checker (python) and integrated it with the resetIOdir functionality
2013-10-13 -- 1h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:1h:various work on email account checker (python), using standalone script checkEmail.php to test
2013-10-06 -- 2h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:2h:Code cleanup, increased consistency and modularity of the methods
2013-10-05 -- 5h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:4h:Implementing tournament Summaries, get other pages labeled more consistently, testing, deployment
- scheduling:1h:Add db support for new tournament summary pages
2013-10-04 -- 2h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:45m:Start working on implementing tournament Summaries
- scheduling:15m:Start working on implementing tournament Summaries
2013-10-03 -- 3.5h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:2.5h:Continue refactoring code (using class inheritance). Clean up instructional summary page and restyle.
- scheduling:1h:Migrate changes between mobile and sched for dbManagement.php, also port mobile/bin/version-gen to scheduling
2013-10-02 -- 2.5h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:2.5h:Refactor code and redesign page selection system. Provide more core functionality.
2013-10-01 -- 4.0h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:2.5h:Finish up work on building Instructional summary db from the php scripts. Refactored to extend the PDF class, overriding the PDF methods and intercepting content in other methods.
- mobile:1.5h:Create a script and produce first pass at navigation to and display of some instructional summaries.
2013-09-30 -- 2.0h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:1.5h:Continued work on db building for mobile instructional summary, merge in updated dbManagment scripts from mobile site, improve include handling in scheduling.
- mobile:30m:Improve include handling for php scripts
2013-09-29 -- 2.0h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:2h:Continued work on db building for mobile instructional summary
2013-09-28 -- 1.5h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:1.5h:Work on db building for mobile instructional summary
2013-09-18 -- 1h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:1h:customXMLGenerator issues discovered by Randy. Post form getting replaced with data from the XML (even though it should have been removed)
2013-09-12 -- 1h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:1h:looking at automated email checking from home system ~/testing/python/imap.py
2013-08-04 -- 3h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:2.5h:Create AJAX script that looks for nearby program events within a week time frame, integrate calls, new version, push to m.usyvl.org
- general:10m:Document changes
2013-08-03 -- 3h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:2.5h:dbManagement updates, debugging support for sqlite PDO prepare/execute, schedule type selection (jquery)
- general:10m:Document changes
2013-07-27 -- 6h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:4h:Updates to support Mobile site, new db schema, loading location data, creating sort_order table.
- mobile:30m:Update site to support new db schema
- general:30m:Document changes
2013-07-25 -- 1.25h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:1h:Update scheduling index paths to reflect changes in Joomla site
- mobile:15m:Add reset table to events db creation in scheduling
2013-07-21 -- 1.0h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:1h:Start adding geolocation support in Auto section
2013-07-09 -- 2.0h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:2h:Migrate index.php to mwf-1.3, added a credits page, some code cleanup, added a stylesheet to highlight different event types.
2013-07-04 -- 2.0h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:1.5h:fix some issues that cropped up since last update.
- service tracking for Team B side. resolve hiding issue (.hide) seems to be in conflict with something, so created a .hideservice class.
- changed order of controls - move whistle to top
- Team names - do some minor sanitizing and shortening of team names to make them shorter.
- mobile:30m:Documentation on Wiki
2013-07-02 -- 2.5h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:2.5h:Camarillo trip to meet with Randy - counting one way travel time
- Sort order db - implement
- discussions of wanted features, changes
2013-06-27 -- 6.5h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:2h:updating mwf.usyvl.org, figuring out some issues we are seeing with it
- mobile:1.5h:Add in whistles, create media files, move onto server
- mobile:1h:Scorekeeper conversion to controls using mwf-1.3.03, had some issues there as well
- mobile:1h:Reworking of some style sheets due to other changes
- general:15m:updating docs
- Have some odd items come up regarding jQuery controls etc...
- Initial service switch does toggles correctly for team A but never for team B
- switch sides button turns white after clicked, restored when another button is hit
- service/game type does not dissappear (was a button, now href).
2013-06-15 -- 6h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:5.75h:Continued work on scorekeeper, fleshing out app, adding controls and various scorekeeping options
- general:15m:updating docs
2013-05-13 -- 2h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:2h:Update styling and start building scorekeeper page using jQuery
2013-05-25 -- 8h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:4h:Fleshing out a sqlite db data driven setup for mobile data display.
- scheduling:4h:Adding practice data to database, resolving an issue with locked tables.
2013-05-23 -- 4h -- Aaron Martin
- mobile:4h:Fleshing out a sqlite db data driven setup for mobile data display.
2013-05-18 -- 2h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:2h:troubleshooting xmlHarvest hang we are seeing on CentOS kvm.
2013-05-16 -- 1h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:1h:troubleshooting xmlHarvest hang we are seeing on CentOS kvm and helping Randy update some info.
2013-05-12 -- 1h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:30m:fix xmltourneditor issue where an unassigned team in the xml breaks xml with a 0 tag.
- scheduling:15m:From last couple days, various emails and such about getting a gmail account set up for the rainier auto report emails.
- scheduling:15m:Updating this wiki with times etc.. notes.
2013-05-09 -- 1.5h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:75m:address browser file caching issue using a GET argument to provide a pseudo date stamped version of the file. Mark adds in no-cache meta tags to site to avoid browsers caching the index pages.
2013-04-04 -- 1.5h -- Aaron Martin
- general:1.5h:Bonzi demo
2013-04-01 -- 0.5h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:30m:Fix ftp issues, selinux boolean, mentioned on Server-Configuration page
2013-02-19 -- 0.5h -- Aaron Martin
- scheduling:30m:fix issue with fixperms script that was creating an empty usyvlSettings file in wrong location.
2013-02-16 -- 8.5h -- Aaron Martin
- gen:8.5h:Attend IT strategy meeting at USYVL HQ
2013-02-14 -- 2.0h -- Aaron Martin
- workflow:2h:create script tournSchedEdit.php to help manually clean up old tourn_sched entries in the serialized file used to save that info between sessions.
2013-02-07 -- 1.0h -- Aaron Martin
- gen:1h:work on centos server, checking on workflow and scheduling installs