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2017-10-06 -- Aaron Martin -- 2.0h
- mobile:20m:upddate displayPDF to add .pdf to filename
- scheduling:70m:track down and add in conditional for display of some site information
- general:30m:emails, communication on issues
2017-09-23 -- Aaron Martin -- 2.0h
- mobile:30m:updating/syncing remote installation (site5)
- scheduling:1.5h:syncing up code in various locations, toggling some settings to get netlabel tournament PDFs going
2017-09-22 -- Aaron Martin -- 0.5h
- scheduling:30m:phone call with Justin, various followups
2017-09-21 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.5h
- scheduling:1h:scoping out ftp issue with inmotion, compose and send email
2017-08-24 -- Aaron Martin -- 4.0h
- workflow:4h:reorganizing workflow structure, cleanup
2017-08-12 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.0h
- workflow:1h:continued reorganizing workflow structure, cleanup
2017-08-10 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.5h
- workflow:1.5h:begin reorganizing workflow structure, cleanup
2017-07-19 -- Aaron Martin -- 0.5h
- workflow:30m:discussions/emails about workflow
2017-07-13 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.0h
- workflow:1h:teleconference, screenshots email
2017-06-08 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.0h
- scheduling:1.0h:compose sqlite lines and add checks for Opening and Closing Days
2017-06-07 -- Aaron Martin -- 2.5h
- scheduling:1h:Looking into issues with times on last days
- mobile:1h:Fix labels for tournaments and game days on mobile site
- general:30m:emails, phone calls, documentation on wiki etc...
2017-05-21 -- Aaron Martin -- 2.5h
- scheduling:0.5h:Scoping out issues with siteids/evrefids.
- scheduling:1h:Integrate the NETLABELS PDFs into the db, compress the pdf.
- mobile:1h:Integrate the NETLABELS PDFs into the db, uncompress the pdf.
2017-05-20 -- Aaron Martin -- 2.5h
- scheduling:2.5h:Add watermark in court wise display mod of tournament PDF.
2017-05-16 -- Aaron Martin -- 1h
- general:1h:muck with usyvl utilities entry page. Install in several locations.
2017-05-11 -- Aaron Martin -- 4h
- general/scheduling:4h:meet with Randy and Allen - discuss various topics, error etc...
2017-05-07 -- Aaron Martin -- 0.5h
- scheduling:30m:A bit more prep for sandboxed customTournEditor.
2017-05-06 -- Aaron Martin -- 0.5h
- scheduling:30m:Push out latest code. Start thinking about how to do sandboxed customTournEditor.
2017-05-04 -- Aaron Martin -- 1h
- scheduling:1h:geocoder work. add address hash remapping to geocoder class. Convert location manager to use class.
2017-05-04 -- Aaron Martin -- 9h
- scheduling:3h:Location processing - location table (lc) - clean up lcid,
- scheduling:3.25h:Location processing - proximity table (px), get GCD processing in, setup Google Distance Matrix
- scheduling:0.75h:Resolve some timestamping on static site links, add warning message to customTournEditor
- scheduling:1h:Restructuring, cleanup, add in test routines, resolve ordering issues
- scheduling:1h:Commits, documentation, phone call with RS
2017-04-29 -- Aaron Martin -- 0.5h
- scheduling:0.5h:Resolve some issues with game editors.
2017-04-28 -- Aaron Martin -- 0.5h
- scheduling:0.5h:Change game duration options for both game and tourn editors.
2017-04-27 -- Aaron Martin -- 3.5h
- scheduling:1.5h:Digging into data structure issues (for AJs) with customGame and customTourn editors.
- scheduling:1h:Digging into issues Randy is seeing, there are some data issues at play.
- scheduling:30m:Commits, comments, emails (SB and RS) and documentation.
- scheduling:30m:Looking at scheduling data issues per Randy's email.
2017-04-26 -- Aaron Martin -- 2.0h
- scheduling:45m:Modify code to output two new instructional summary types AJPR (Advanced Junior Practice) and SKIL (Skills Assessment).
- scheduling:30m:Add in db commands that set ev table evistype values for Advanced Junior programs to match the two new IS types above.
- scheduling:15m:Commits, updating copies, hours logging.
- scheduling:30m:Looking at scheduling data issues per Randy's email.
2017-04-24 -- Aaron Martin -- 2.0h
- scheduling:20m:modify IS PDF loop to exclude ISPDF building for AJs.
- scheduling:40m:resolve issues in several tournament processing sections where single pools exercise a flaw in the xml2array conversion.
- scheduling:1h:convert a few more loops to use db based data instead of CMI based data.
2017-04-23 -- Aaron Martin -- 2.0h
- scheduling:30m:add in checks for missing programs between events and teams table.
- scheduling:1.5h:resolving various errors in customTournamentEditor (and other locations) due to issues with one or zero teams in XML teamlist.
2017-04-22 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.0h
- scheduling:0.75h:Add in additional times to pulldown menus
- scheduling:15m:Add in bidirectional merges for 14U and 16U pools
2017-04-20 -- Aaron Martin -- 4.0h
- scheduling:30m:various code cleanup
- scheduling:1h:Convert some portions of tournament creation to be db based.
- scheduling:1.5h:add in email alerts to the two ftpSync scripts per Randy's request.
- scheduling:1h:add in some build identifiers on some index pages (and info table) along the same lines as Randy's alert request (above)
2017-04-19 -- Aaron Martin -- 2.0h
- scheduling:0.75h:remove allsites.kml link from schedules sites after some explorations for fixing.
- scheduling:1.25h:rework and improve ftp setup.
2017-04-18 -- Aaron Martin -- 2.5h
- scheduling:1h:resolve issues with Instructional Summary miss-matching days in manual.
- scheduling:1.5h:add in support for some basic info being stored in DB, + fetch data options for same data.
2017-04-17 -- Aaron Martin -- 3.0h
- scheduling:1h:getting all the various dev and live copies up to date.
- scheduling:2h:Additional reorg, scoping out various files and what the do/might have done.
2017-04-16 -- Aaron Martin -- 4.0h
- scheduling:1.0h:Cleaning up old phpDocumentor stuff, pulling from the repo, setting up to build fresh (and not be in repo), updated version. Figured out how to get Atom to ignore those dirs.
- scheduling:1.5h:Going through code and re-organizing. Trying to shuffle code around into different areas representing the codes status better (ie: dev, deprecated, sandbox).
- scheduling:30m:Fixing a few items (including a key bit of centralized code that had an unnoticed flaw) during course of the above shuffling.
- scheduling:1h:Another hour in evening, cleanup and reorg.
2017-04-14 -- Aaron Martin -- 3.0h
- scheduling:3h:Updating io-data structure on laptop. Fix some paths to match (for rules.pdf). Improve netHeightManager and incorporate into instructional summaries.
2017-04-13 -- Aaron Martin -- 10.0h
- scheduling:2h:Updating structures, db schema. Fix some underlying data issues caused by that. Updates to redbook.
- scheduling:2h:Converting Game schedules to be driven by db, found some bits that were not even being used.
- general:2h:Side projects, error Mangement, stylizer for future implementation output cleanup
- mobile:1.5h:Fix various issues with game, tourn, inst summaries due to changes in scheduling
- general:30m:Phone call with Randy, Documenting time. Git pushing/pulling etc...
- scheduling:1h:date data integrity checks, researching retirement of some pages.
- scheduling:1h:fix some issues with the db location processing. More db driven now. Was missing one field.
2017-04-12 -- Aaron Martin -- 2.0h
- general:30m:conference call with Henry and Randy
- general:15m:Checking on updated reports
- scheduling:15m:Prep some additional changes
- general:1h:initiate some new reporting classes
2017-04-11 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.0h
- scheduling:15m:Testing/checking updated test report - OK.
- scheduling:15m:Check on updated live report, discover its wrong
- scheduling:30m:Discuss with Randy, email to Henry, Randy with picture demonstrating issue.
2017-04-09 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.5h
- scheduling:1.5h:Transition runGS.php to be db based.
2017-04-08 -- Aaron Martin -- 4.0h
- scheduling:2h:Modularizing matchTimingManagement (prep for more db based processing)
- scheduling:2h:Modularizing netHeightManagement (prep for more db based processing)
2017-04-07 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.0h
- scheduling:30m:various planning and emails
- general:30m:phone calls
2017-04-06 -- Aaron Martin -- 0.5h
- scheduling:30m:add db based routine for setting evprogcat
2017-04-05 -- Aaron Martin -- 4.0h
- general:2.5:improve support for htmlDoc and printUtils
- scheduling:1.5h:emails, additional dev work
2017-04-04 -- Aaron Martin -- 3.0h
- general:2.5h:dev work on printUtils.php
- general:30m:scoping out other dev locations
2017-04-03 -- Aaron Martin -- 2.5h
- scheduling:2.5h:update to HTML of the static pages produced by scheduling
2017-04-02 -- Aaron Martin -- 6.0h
- scheduling:1h:clean up multiple issues
- general:45m:various emails and general support
- mobile:45m:Additional tweaks to mobile site and displays
- scheduling:3h:working on db and supporting code towards futurizing code
- general:30m:copying code/data to various locations, testing
2017-04-01 -- Aaron Martin -- 9.0h
- scheduling:3h:db configuration updates, moving towards more db based processing. Ultimately simpler operations down the road.
- mobile:45m:Fix some sort order issues due to different order on input data. Plus a few other minor issues.
- general:1.5h:Mucking with data
- scheduling:45m:Working around missing Court Number column to allow full flow through.
- scheduling:15m:deprecate some older code
- scheduling:45m:Clean up old code, fix some data handling issues with divisionlist, add in division list entries for Advanced Juniors.
- mobile:1h:Additional refinement of the PDF materials attachments
- scheduling:0.5h:Additional minor tweaks to get things working
- general:0.5h:Pushing code out to remote servers
2017-03-31 -- Aaron Martin -- 3.0h
- scheduling:3h:restructure/reorganize Instructional Summary processing.
2017-03-30 -- Aaron Martin -- 8.0h
- scheduling:6h:import of engage excel exports, resolving issues with extra double quotes in several places in scheduling code
- scheduling:2h:Fixes to some logic in newer location db processing. Testing imports from Engage Excel exports - manual tweaks to data to see where things are at.
2017-03-29 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.5h
- scheduling:1.5h:research + proof of concept for excel to csv conversion
2017-03-28 -- Aaron Martin -- 3.5h
- mobile:3.5h:resolve several of the bigger issues facing mobile site, significant cleanup of some code, modularizing other chunks.
2017-03-27 -- Aaron Martin -- 2.75h
- mobile:45m:Prep mobile site for pdfDisplay, migrated fixed id test case from scheduling in. Still need to refine to implement correctly.
- scheduling:30m:add rules.pdf to pdfs db
- mobile:1.5h:Add in support for games/tourns/rules pdfs to mobile site.
2017-03-26 -- Aaron Martin -- 4.5h
- mobile:2.5h:resolve ajax issues, prep for pdf display
- scheduling:1h:rename some db fields for better self documentation, tweak and massage additional data items and clean up data flow through
- scheduling:1h:create code to validate the cached XMLs as currently the evrefid can change from one load to the next.
2017-03-25 -- Aaron Martin -- 4h
- scheduling:3h:dev efforts on updating db, squaring away various items
- mobile:1h:Digging into issues from db
2017-03-23 -- Aaron Martin -- 9.5h
- scheduling:6h:dev efforts on scheduling branch, got some major fixes in place
- general:1h:Mucking with export test file, cleanup, test runs against it, fixes to file
- general:45m:Various emails and documentation througout course of day
- scheduling:1.5h:Additional dev and mucking around with new test data, adding additional error checks
2017-03-20 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.25h
- general:35m:conference phone call with JH zanaity - looking at initial export of events report
- youthvb:40m:refamiliarizing with youthvb - update template.php file
2017-02-25 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.0h
- scheduling:1h:start digging into code to look at adding pdfs to the sched db. Fix a couple items.
2017-02-23 -- Aaron Martin -- 4.0h
- general:30m:general season efforts in scoping out issues with current event generation runs
- workflow:1h:track down issues and improve error reporting on day of week miss-matches from this season
- general:30m:con call with Zanity to discuss collaboration
- mobile:45m:get mobile site git repo migrated to github.com/USYVL/mobile, create a decent readme
- general:45m:deal with other documentation, get mwf.eri.ucsb.edu site going to drive the mobile site on venom, email to folks involved in migration
- mobile:30m:resolve some issues with the mobile site and moving it around
2017-02-22 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.5h
- general:30m:prep for upcoming meeting, general season efforts
- workflow:1h:manageEvents, add some columns (p_cmi_id and f_cmi_id) for export, confirm and check export capabilities
2017-02-20 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.0h
- general:1h:harvesting program ids and facility ids from engage dashboard, general scopage and emails
2017-02-13 -- Aaron Martin -- 1h
- general:1h:prep Migration - Zanity page and email to Justin