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2011-11-25 -- 7.5 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:3h:update clone to newest version -with new io-data configuration, updated fixperms script
- sched:1.0h:update sampleInputData scripts, synchronize updated data with .meta files
- general:1.5h:working on workSummary script which reads this wiki page to parse data. Not completed, but have a good start
- doc:1.0h:updating the wiki
- sched:1h:Migrate changelog.php contents into the wiki
2011-10-17 -- 2.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:1h:work on automating the upload data caching
- sched:30m:Updating some of the saved/cached data descriptions
- sched:30m:start building out sampleDataManagement page (summary + form)
2011-10-15 -- 2.5 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:1h:modifying the structure of the data directory
- sched:30m:fixing various things that broke after modifying the structure of the data directory
- sched:1h:rework sample data setup into a class - updating and expanding functionality
2011-10-13 -- 6 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:2h:helping with the one-off scheduling issues that they were seeing
- sched:2h:development of algorithm for generating all possible pool layouts for 5, 6, 7 & 8.
- sched:1h:Generate the 5&6, add to poolLayout scenario.
- sched:1h:Add setting to allow exclusion of the dual duplication pool layouts in pool of 4
2011-10-12 -- 2 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:2h:development of algorithm for generating all possible pool layouts for 5, 6, 7 & 8
2011-10-10 -- 2 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:2h:Migrating documentation to wiki and cleaning up documentation files in the source code
2011-10-09 -- 2.5 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:1h:Continued work on customGameEditor.php - partially resolve issues with division entries
2011-10-08 -- 5.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:1h:Figure out Reno.xml issues. Filename is stored inside the xml, so pdf name is generated from that... Its not enough to change the name only
- sched:1h:Continued work on customGameEditor.php - have a mostly working setup now. The one obvious/known issue is that I cannot change divisions right now
2011-10-06 -- 6.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:1h:Continued work on customGameEditor.php
2011-10-02 -- 3.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:1h:Continued work on customGameEditor.php
- sched:1h:Some minor mods/additions to launchXMLeditor.php
2011-10-01 -- 9.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:1h:Modify customGameXML.php into customGameXMLalt.php to handle two varying formats of csv data
- sched:1h:Run, update and push out corrected info for 4 sites.
- sched:1h:Begin building customGameEditor.php from customTournamentEditor - 6hrs
2011-09-29 -- 3.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:1h:Add in some more tournament consistency checking - check for double bookings
- sched:1h:fix some divisionAdjust errors when the destination division did not exist - more likely to happen in Fall with small sites, possibly missing divisions
2011-08-28 -- 2.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:1h:Fix some warnings from previous fix
2011-08-28 -- 2.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:1h:Fix issue encountered summer of 2011, where some tournament assemblies were broken. divisionAdjust function needed reworking
2011-08-04 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:1h:Looking at some small tournament issues that Randy spotted. 2011-08-06-Everett-Snohomish tournament drops one of the snohomish teams. Need to investigate further.
- sched:1h:Would be nice to be able to add a team in the custom tournament editor in those rare odd instances. Need appropriate form to do that.
2011-04-28 -- 1.5 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:1h:Update customGameXML.php script more, fix program/basename stuff.
- sched:1h:Fix Games team merge algorithm, now same as tournament.
2011-04-27 -- .75 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:1h:Update customGameXML.php script. Add team name mapping and cleanup.
2011-04-26 -- 2.5 hrs -- Aaron Martin --
- sched:1h:Build a form to take CSV data and convert into an XML