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HTML form for doing custom game schedules

  • This situation is starting to happen more often with indoor venues
  • Have the beginning of such a system in the Custom Game Editor - probably still needs work

Resolve reasons for "unable to resolve season" messages from last uploaded file.

  • Need to copy file into a testing setup
  • file name disagrees with data strings that we can see, but that should not be an issue - RESOLVED - the unicode fix was being missed

Long team names and long Coaches names overflow the cell

  • Update code to check string length, if its longer than cell, work backwards to find where it fits and truncate there RESOLVED subject to review and testing
  • Once that is done, look into making font size a bit smaller to allow for longer names. Want to keep the font at least 12-14 if possible.
    • With a few column width tweaks, there are very few cases of required truncation for the fall 2011 data.

Additional, possibly interactive, help for resolving common data problems.

  • Maybe some javascript popups on hover?
  • Might need to implement some error/help codes to use

Lone team in tournament division

  • Merge only if there is only 1 team, threshold may be higher now, but we think this was resolved at the end of last season
  • Should verify that this is being done correctly

Scheduling Page Cleanup

  • Move admin/dev scripts to their own page, no reason to have them on the front - RESOLVED - removed non-essential scripts to separate index page
  • Investigate loadRecent.php, possibly remove if this is truly not implemented and is not going to be implemented soon.

Investigate selective activation/enabling of tournament info pages by date

  • Prevent people from downloading and printing schedules before they are ready - RESOLVED pending testing
  • Administrative staff still need access - I believe that ts.html still exists, just not linked in as it was before, could use that. Need to verify

Workflow Tournament Building

Tournament Building - Grouping issue - distances are not completely reflective of distance to site

  • Currently using Great Circla Path (GCP) calculations
  • Investigate google, yahoo or mapquest API for getting either travel distance or travel time between two location
    • http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/distancematrix/ - this may well do it, first link that popped up in my search, appears to provide both distance and duration
      • default is auto, but they have bicycle and walking!!
    • PHP function json_decode should help with the preferred output format (JSON)..
    • There are some limits for queries from individual domains. Need to to be especially careful in dev.
    • Need to now see how the location stuff is setup, I need to see if the structure lends itself to easy extension (adding travel distance, and duration)
  • Alternatively create a system for adding a distance penalty to a site pair to be more truly reflective of the real world "distance" between two locations.
    • Example are two sites separated by a mountain range... Only 7 miles apart, but a 20 mile drive to go from one to the other.
      • Simi Valley, Agoura Hills

I have been able to use the Google distance Matrix API (// https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/distancematrix/) to perform the calculation. But the execution time is slow, so I have to alter how I handle this. Some options:

  • Use a full matrix capability - I am running queries on just one src and one dst so that I get a single answer. Potentially, I can build an entire list and reduce the number of queries.
    • Not sure where the time lag is from though, it could be that will have little affect...
  • Alternatively, cache the data, and only fetch ones that have changed...
    • question there is how to manage that, how to key things so we know when they change... location name? Lat/Lon? Cache last run?


  • Move less used admin/dev tools into a separate index page