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Revision as of 04:20, 29 April 2016 by Aaron (talk | contribs)
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2015-10-22 -- Aaron Martin -- 1h

  • scheduling:15m:fix issue with missing column in select XML to Edit page
  • scheduling:20m:partial fix for google maps link issue. Removed some elements and added output=classic to get closer to old behavior. Need to convert to new setup at some point.
  • scheduling:15m:track down an issue that kept me from changing the output mode. Had to do with serverSpecificSettings ftp-server keys.
  • scheduling:10m:documenting, git, various other maintenance

2015-10-08 -- Aaron Martin -- 2.5h

  • scheduling:15m:Add in some additional checks in init.php to help starting from a clean install
  • scheduling:1.5h:Resolve some issues introduced by new format of Rainier emails - switched from Content-Type text/csv to application/octet-stream, filename now encoded when read in (not sure why)
  • scheduling:15m:resolve issue with an incomplete page. Missing the $h->beg()
  • scheduling:15m:Add in status check of xml files pool completness. Add in row styling if incomplete.
  • scheduling:15m:Document updates, email RS about updating.


2015-09-15 -- Aaron Martin -- 0.5h

  • scheduling:30m:Add in a simple check of the coach names to see if they will introduce any issues in the XMLs.


2015-05-10 -- Aaron Martin -- 2h

  • scheduling:1h:Reorganizing files (moving non script files into inc). Securing files (bin/*, Makefile) from access using .htaccess files.
  • scheduling:1h:Additional work on using db for data. Tournament consistency checking, and a few other routines.

2015-05-09 -- Aaron Martin -- 2h

  • scheduling:1.5h:Resolve tournament event id issue (on db insertion end). Added in a column ev.evtnid, that matches evid for home game entries, but away entries is set to corresponding home game entry.
  • scheduling:0.5h:Begin some work in Tournaments to begin using database for some information (replaced some address references).

2015-05-08 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.5h

  • scheduling:1.5h:Set columns widths to autoscale on all grids. Add styling to row and col headings. Strip AM, PM from times for all non-primary game times in the grids.

2015-05-07 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.25h

  • scheduling:1.25h:Setup scaling of primary pool grid, test

2015-05-03 -- Aaron Martin -- 2h

  • scheduling:2h:Continue work on location db fixes, incorporate some new dbh changes, fix the Processing Sequencer that created two different paths to locations scripts.

2015-05-02 -- Aaron Martin -- 2h

  • scheduling:2h:Randy reports some errors on the locations db script. Work on location db fixes, incorporate some new dbh changes


2015-01-29 -- Aaron Martin -- 4h

  • youthvb/programs:1.5h:merging common files into code base
  • youthvb/programs:30m:migrate some output generation from separate files in youthvb into index.php, so it outputs content based on GET/POST flags.
  • youthvb/programs:30m:Fix a few structural items. Content updates (ie: number of kids served).
  • youthvb/programs:30m:w3c validation, emails, hours logging.
  • programs:30m:resolve w3c validation of programs pages.

2015-01-19 -- Aaron Martin -- 6h

  • youthvb/programs:1h:fix logic issue in zipCode search. If an invalid zipcode (99999) was passed into search, googleLookup would fail, but say it succeeded.
  • youthvb/programs:1.5h:modify the overall zipcode system to return a data structure of distance information instead of html. This allows reuse of that overall zipcode search functionality and allows HTML formatting to be done at page builder level.
  • youthvb/programs:1.5h:Various other file merging. More of the code base is exactly the same now (search.php, utils.php,gcd.php,zipcodeDB2.php)
  • youthvb/programs:1.5h:Emails, some additional data tweaking, cleanup of google location_cache entries.
  • scheduling:30m:Sort out some issues with workSummary.php (wiki parsing, time collection)

2015-01-18 -- Aaron Martin -- 1.5h

  • youthvb:30m:Incorporate zipcodeDB2 (from joomla) into youthvb.
  • youthvb:30m:Incorporate use of shared-data folder.
  • youthvb:30m:Updated internal structure and filenaming conventions to be more similar to joomla in prep for reuse.

2015-01-17 -- Aaron Martin -- 7h

  • programs:1.5h:Analyzing changes to make, getting my head wrapped around it all
  • programs:1.5h:Cleaning up code, spacing structure etc
  • programs:1h:Dealing with hardcoded paths and such, replace those with constants that are conditionally assigned
  • programs:1h:Getting code to somewhat work in a dev environment
  • programs:1h:Shuffling files around for testing on production server, sorting out likely aliasing on the production server
  • youthvb/programs:1h split:some code reconciliation between youthvb and programs

2015-01-15 -- Aaron Martin -- 8h

  • youthvb:1h:comparing files from the various copies
  • youthvb:30m:create git repo for youthvb, initial commits, config
  • youthvb:1h:deal with wrapper php site issues due to deprecated session_* functions
  • youthvb:1h:various emails and phone calls throughout the day
  • youthvb:30m:move some of the style attributes into css files, some basic HTML5 conversions
  • youthvb:1h:add in support for working with the dev version of the site
  • youthvb:30m:code cleanup, removing old comments
  • youthvb:30m:update code for original request for different branding, add "Branded" column support for CSV, update content for branding (usjvl, usyvl, camp)
  • youthvb:30m:purge extra files, selectively ftp files to server, move old youthvolleyball.com site to side.
  • youthvb:30m:clean up some minor layout issues
  • youthvb:1h:track down unbalanced divs in html, more html cleanup. main, state and program pages validated as HTML5