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HTML form for doing custom game schedules
- This situation is starting to happen more often with indoor venues
- Have the beginning of such a system in the Custom Game Editor - probably still needs work
Resolve reasons for "unable to resolve season" messages from last uploaded file.
Need to copy file into a testing setupfile name disagrees with data strings that we can see, but that should not be an issue- RESOLVED - the unicode fix was being missed
Long team names and long Coaches names overflow the cell
Update code to check string length, if its longer than cell, work backwards to find where it fits and truncate thereRESOLVED subject to review and testing- Once that is done, look into making font size a bit smaller to allow for longer names. Want to keep the font at least 12-14 if possible.
- With a few column width tweaks, there are very few cases of required truncation for the fall 2011 data.
Additional, possibly interactive, help for resolving common data problems.
- Maybe some javascript popups on hover?
- Might need to implement some error/help codes to use
Lone team in tournament division
- Merge only if there is only 1 team, threshold may be higher now, but we think this was resolved at the end of last season
- Should verify that this is being done correctly
Scheduling Page Cleanup
Move admin/dev scripts to their own page, no reason to have them on the front- RESOLVED - removed non-essential scripts to separate index page- Investigate loadRecent.php, possibly remove if this is truly not implemented and is not going to be implemented soon.
Investigate selective activation/enabling of tournament info pages by date
Prevent people from downloading and printing schedules before they are ready- RESOLVED pending testing- Administrative staff still need access - I believe that ts.html still exists, just not linked in as it was before, could use that. Need to verify
Workflow Tournament Building
Tournament Building - Grouping issue - distances are not completely reflective of distance to site
- Currently using Great Circla Path (GCP) calculations
- Investigate google, yahoo or mapquest API for getting either travel distance or travel time between two location
- http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/distancematrix/ - this may well do it, first link that popped up in my search, appears to provide both distance and duration
- default is auto, but they have bicycle and walking!!
- PHP function json_decode should help with the preferred output format (JSON)..
- There are some limits for queries from individual domains. Need to to be especially careful in dev.
- Need to now see how the location stuff is setup, I need to see if the structure lends itself to easy extension (adding travel distance, and duration)
- http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/distancematrix/ - this may well do it, first link that popped up in my search, appears to provide both distance and duration
- Alternatively create a system for adding a distance penalty to a site pair to be more truly reflective of the real world "distance" between two locations.
- Example are two sites separated by a mountain range... Only 7 miles apart, but a 20 mile drive to go from one to the other.
- Simi Valley, Agoura Hills
- Example are two sites separated by a mountain range... Only 7 miles apart, but a 20 mile drive to go from one to the other.
I have been able to use the Google distance Matrix API (// https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/distancematrix/) to perform the calculation. But the execution time is slow, so I have to alter how I handle this. Some options:
- Use a full matrix capability - I am running queries on just one src and one dst so that I get a single answer. Potentially, I can build an entire list and reduce the number of queries.
- Not sure where the time lag is from though, it could be that will have little affect...
- Alternatively, cache the data, and only fetch ones that have changed...
- question there is how to manage that, how to key things so we know when they change... location name? Lat/Lon? Cache last run?
- Move less used admin/dev tools into a separate index page