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2008-10-27 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Modified the site location system to support multiple locations

2008-10-12 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Modified the geocoding system some more. The geocoding loop now loops over all practice AND game locations, use a local hash array with keys made up from site name, location.name and location.address. This way all unique addresses should get coded..

2008-10-08 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Modified the geocoding system a bit. Now, if there is a static geocode file entry, we use that.
  • sched:1h:Added in an entry to archive the geocode file.

2008-10-07 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Made some minor formatting changes in the SI pages.

2008-10-04 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Found some calls to the ms() function which I missed the other day. Totally messed up the SI and TI pages.
  • sched:1h:Broke the TI page into more modular sections. A little extra passing around of args, but it makes more sense. Should do something similar with SI. May be able to even share some routines...
  • sched:1h:Talked to Randy about organization of the SI pages. We will work more on that on Monday. Have some ideas.
  • sched:1h:Hmmmm, also check out www.google.com/tools (redirects to www.google.com/mac)

2008-10-03 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Modified the ms() function by adding a title argument (as the first arg shifting the others). This allows me to have title tags on pages.
  • sched:1h:Looked a bit at search engine optimization. Good hint about the google.com/webmaster/tools on youtube. Build a sitemap.

2008-09-29 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Added links to the tournament info pages from the site information pages schedule section.
  • sched:1h:Rearranged the processing sequence slightly to insure that the TI pages exist before the SI pages are created.
  • sched:1h:Updated the processing flow diagram to reflect the links.

2008-09-28 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Created usyvlProcSeq.php to handle processing sequences more generically. Can now have multiple sequence sets.

2008-09-27 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Modified the generateMapLinks routine a bit more to clean it up.
  • sched:1h:In usyvlPrepData, added in generation of the tournament layout data as it exists in the CMI events report.
  • sched:1h:In usyvlTournAssign, added in the ability to load the newly created tournament layout data from the CMI reports.
  • sched:1h:Rearranged processing order a bit, should make no difference.

2008-09-26 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Modified how the Google API keys are handled in the settings
  • sched:1h:Modified the ftpSync routine to check the "Site Information" sheets to verify that they have the live server google api key in them before syncing to the live server. This is done before the sync and throws an error right away if ANY of the files have a non "live server" key in them. The redirects and index files are not checked by excluding those from the check.
  • sched:1h:Could possibly modify the check by checking for content that only the SI sheets would have and do 2 preg matches...one to insure its an SI and another for the key.
  • sched:1h:Modify settingsForm.php to allow selction of Google API key to use on the site information sheets.
  • sched:1h:Modify settingsForm.php to allow schedule inclusion based on a setting.

2008-09-23 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Fixed the gaps seen in MSIE on the generated schedule pages. It was the result of the newline characters used as line endings between the td tags. MSIE (stupidly IMHO) interprets the newline character as content.
  • sched:1h:Modify settingsForm.php to allow inclusion of embedded google map based on setting.

2008-09-22 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:tyring to round out the site information pages
  • sched:1h:Changed the names of some of the global settings used.
  • sched:1h:Added daily schedules to the site information pages.
  • sched:1h:Added in a check for CMI event inconsistencies between home and away game strings.

2008-09-21 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:working on embedding a google map in the site information page. Was able to do it, but there are some interesting tradeoffs. Need an API key for the machine that will ultimately host the page. So I had to generate a key for www.usyvl.org. The problem is, it makes it much harder to test things. You need one code to test, another for the production version. Have toyed with the idea of replacing the key when ftpsync is called.

2008-09-20 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:continue retooling of the data inputs and tournament assignment processing
  • sched:1h:now output site lists and tournament date lists in the data prep loop
  • sched:1h:Added in a check for default team names in the data prep loop
  • sched:1h:in TSL added in the ability to load a template
  • sched:1h:in TSL the master site list is now obtained from the sites file now created during the data prep loop. No longer use the events file filtering for Saturday game days as this leaves out a couple sites that meet only during the week due to location restrictions

2008-09-18 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:done some major retooling of the tournament assignment processing stream over the past several days
  • sched:1h:Add group provisions in usyvlTournAssign. Use is controlled by the TSL_USE_GROUPING setting
  • sched:1h:Add in a grouping algorithm in its own script: groupTournSites.php. this associates files geographically into groups linking them from their proximity input files
  • sched:1h:added in a status display specific to determine assignment in its own auto refreshing window
  • sched:1h:added in auto updating in the tournament assignment form. the user no longer has to hit an "update" button. Use is controlled via the TSL_AUTO_UPDATE_ON_SELECTION setting

2008-09-17 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h: added a link from the main index page to a processing and data flow diagram

2008-07-16 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Add in the timing loop to usyvlTournAssign

2008-07-16 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Create seasonLoop function that simplifies the whole season loop construct. Pass in one (or an array of) function name(s) and those will be called for each season.

2008-07-14 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Modify buildIndexFiles to detect when the content is empty and create the upcoming schedules pages.
  • sched:1h:Moved the static folder to io-static and changed it to reflect the io directory heirarchy, so a dircopy call will populate it correctly.
  • sched:1h:Added a setting to switch between old and new modes of Index files. old system had direct links to PDFs whereas the new system links to html pages with more information and additional resources

2008-07-13 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Continue various code cleanup.

2008-07-12 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Continue working on migration to multi season capability.
  • sched:1h:Break out Index File Creation From the other HTML and PDF production. The new code loops over the input files and creates index files based on the contents of the directories.
  • sched:1h:Added in file update statistics: Updated, Created and Unchanged categories Controlled by a trio of filesStats* functions.
  • sched:1h:Added in a second timer to most routines using the usyvlStart and usyvlEnd functions.
  • sched:1h: Fixed a bug in the game creation. A CMI import routine was not been initialized with the correct fields and so it dates were not getting parsed and passed into the other routines.
  • sched:1h:Continue various code cleanup.

2008-07-10 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Start really working on migration to multi season capability.
  • sched:1h:Most of this is handled with a modification to the iopath routine that adds season code stamps to files/directories that should be season related
  • sched:1h:The other big requirement is a small routine that returns a list of season codes based on the events input files. Most scripts had already been subroutinized enough that there is just a few calls to move into this loop.
  • sched:1h:Started working on Site Information Sheet generation. This is actually going to be one of the trickier routines as each page may need to cover multiple seasons.
  • sched:1h:Added some real neat functionality to the fileutils scandir_* routines. Added in capability to remove the section of string that was used to match (a suffix, prefix or preg). This allows a simple scan to produce a list of basenames.

2008-06-23 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Build a script that finds communities neighboring a current USYVL site that that site could possibly serve. Will modify/format this output to create html content targetted at search engines.
  • sched:1h:Rundown new development over a conference call with Randy and Veronica
  • sched:1h:Add in one more pull down menu to the tournament site layout form that allows the user to "restore" or "elevate" a site that was previously removed from the host column (either through changing the selection to the blank line at top or through assigning the site asa a visitor) back to the host level.

2008-06-21 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Added in a tournament site layout form tool. The goal is to provide a simple tool to assign tournament day layouts (which team plays which other teams).
  • sched:1h:Do some very cool things to adjust pull down menus every time the script is updated.
  • sched:1h:Use the proximity data file to create pulldown menus of a given site's nearest USYVL sites

2008-06-19 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:During a conversation with Randy about listing neighboring communities somewhere on the website to assist web searches done with local community information in the search criteria he mentioned using zip code information to do something like that. This got me started on a whole new set of projects relating to location.
  • sched:1h:Found some free zip code databases online. They all seem to be based on the 1999 census data which is public domain.
  • sched:1h:Created a script to get distances between USYVL sites and find X number of sites within Y distance of another site. Use this information to build a "proximity" input data file.

2008-06-17 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Hammered out the FTP server scripts. The functions are stored in usyvlFTP.php and the two "Tool" scripts are ftpSync.php and ftpClear.php. Used the outputSpacer() function to get a nice refresh on the display. Pretty much every entry is displayed. Came up with some good routines that traverse the directory (local and ftp) heirarchy and get an associative array (keyed on the filename) with colon separated values of filetype (f or d), filesize, file mtime. This information can be used to determine which files should be synchronized. All files are "put" to the ftp server in binary. Hopefully that will work as expected.

2008-06-15 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Changed this changelog to use functions for formatting.

2008-06-14 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Added a Tournament XML editor. Allow user to move teams between pools and reorder teams within pools. Pool/Number in Pool conflicts are resolved by shifting the NumberInPool of the duplicated combination up until if finds an available (unused slot). Entries are processed in the order they are encountered in the xml file (that is the same as displayed in the editing form).
  • sched:1h:Modified xml2pdf to only process files whose XML input files have been modified more recently than the output PDF files. This way, running xml2pdf.php after editing XML input files only creates the PDFs that are out of date. Updated the stats summary produced at the bottom of xml2pdf.php.

2008-06-12 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Added Season summaries. These HTML sheets provide a summary of the sites scheduled from the red coaches handbook matched up with the site days from the events.txt file from the CMI database.
  • sched:1h:Made the formatting of the separate scripts more consistent through addition of a function that each calls.
  • sched:1h:Reformatted the processing script lists on the main index page. These are now in a table form. The order of the list is maintained in an array in usyvl.php which also contains descriptions of the scripts. The new system also allows the consistent headers (mentioned above) to include a "nextProcessingScript". This provides the simple functionality of being able to go from one script to the next, in order, to complete processing.
  • sched:1h:Coninue with status addtions. Adding some file existence and age checks.

2008-06-10 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Added directions page using addresses in the events.txt file from CMI. Many sites do not have addresses in the db, so those do not have links provided.
  • sched:1h:Start adding some status information onto main index page.

2008-06-04 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Found out that we will not be able to access the db directly as hoped. This means that the season settings (below) will be of less (or no) use for the upcoming changes.

2008-06-02 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Further refining the new directory heirarchy. Separated (mostly) the HTML file generation from the pdf construction. Season is still an argument passed in. Need to think about how to make sure that the generated files are consistent with the season settings... Maybe output a file?
  • sched:1h:Also modified the "Season" settings. Added an "AUTO" mode that automatically selects the appropriate season. Or it can be hardwired... Again, currently, you could change seasons in the settings and have.....
  • sched:1h:Maybe should determine season from the data file(s) sitting in the io/input dir

2008-06-01 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Adjusted the directory hierarchy as described in the earlier todo entry. All server/script produced files are kept in the "io" dir. This allows php scripts to manipulate all files there. Have already added a clean script that empties/clears/resets the entire dir. Added an iopath function that builds paths to the appropriate files using array keys. Probably not the best way to do this, but it will do for now. Would like to design something that allows me to use the same key except specify that its relative and only use the trailing path components.. Maybe something like st-, -st, st--, --st... Currently using separate array entries and looking for a leading .

2008-05-13 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Started adding support for dbdumps (usyvlDB.php). Also improved the settingsForm.php system. Should be more flexible now. Should see how the new system might work for the donations site

2008-05-13 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Modified usyvlTeam class to try to clean team names when the team object is being built. This consists of stripping off any leading number/space/dashes that match a given regex (/^\d+ *-*/).

2008-05-01 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Created a new php script that pushes out the contents of the schedules directory to the live, production server using FTP functions included in PHP.(if built with --enable-ftp). Need to create a script that cleans out the files. No simple way to check if directories exist, so for now, it assumes that the directory tree is there already.

2008-04-29 -- 1.0 hrs -- Aaron Martin --

  • sched:1h:Added in additional error checking in several locations where empty arrays could cause issues. One such location caused and empty PDF doc which causes an exception to be thrown which ended the processing loop. Now, this just skips the problematic tournament and proceeds to the next tournament.